By Topic


Climate Reporting Mandate

This Finance survey examines (a) A mandate for public companies to provide climate-related disclosures (such as their greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint) would provide financially material information that enables investors to make better decisions; (b) A mandate for public companies to provide climate-related disclosures would provide material information that enables investors to make better decisions with regards to non-financial objectives (such as aiding portfolio choice based on ESG principles); (c) A mandate for public companies to provide climate-related disclosures would induce them to reduce their climate impact substantially. 

Executive Pay

This Finance survey examines (a) The typical chief executive officer of a publicly traded corporation in the U.S. is paid more than his or her marginal contribution to the firm's value. (b) Mandating that U.S. publicly listed corporations must allow shareholders to cast a non-binding vote on executive compensation was a good idea. 

Stakeholder Capitalism

This Finance survey examines (a) Having companies run to maximize shareholder value creates significant negative externalities for workers and communities. (b) Appropriately managed corporations could create significantly greater value than they currently do for a range of stakeholders – including workers, suppliers, customers, and community members – with negligible impacts on shareholder value. (c) Effective mechanisms for boards of directors to ensure that CEOs act in ways that balance the interests of all stakeholders would be straightforward to introduce. 


This Finance survey examines (a) Tesla shareholders are likely to benefit substantially from the decision by the Delaware Court of Chancery to void Elon Musk's $56 billion remuneration package